- Two young men spend the night together after meeting the previous evening in a notorious gay club. The next day, however, the host wakes to find the boy he picked up bewildered and confused, unable to remember his name or anything about his past. Lacking any type of identification or obvious clues, the boys begin to se…
- 本片入围今年柏林电影节短片竞赛单元,提名泰迪熊奖。夏日来临,六名年轻朋友们驱车前往河畔的森林。他们在路上讲述着一个男人和作为宠物却想吃掉他的蛇的故事。男孩从树上坠下来受了伤,女孩跟着他;一条蛇,它缠绕在一名男孩的大腿上,女孩则用手抱住它;两个男孩吃着一个桃子,脱掉沾满泥土的袜子开始亲吻……在森林温热潮湿的气候里,随着天…