- 因为丈夫贾主任(韩非)反对,一心想做理发师的华家芳(王丹凤)只能在家拿着鸡毛掸子练习理发技术,贾主任因工作要出差,华家芳抓住机会来到三八理发室成了3号理发师。不久,华家芳收到丈夫要回家的信,心猿意马理乱了某位顾客的头发,遭到抱怨。贾主任下火车与多年不见的朋友老赵(顾也鲁)叙旧,得知对方嫌弃其妻是餐馆服务员后,口不对心对…
- 薇姬·克里普斯、丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基将主演新片[纯粹的激情],丹妮尔·阿尔彼得执导,故事改编自安妮·艾诺同名法语畅销小说,讲述一名法国的研究员爱上了一名俄国的的已婚外交官。影片计划于今年秋季开拍。
- Nico is a policeman who has returned to his country after years to say goodbye to his mother, Eleonora, who suddenly fell ill. In the same days, some corpses are found in the woods, put on display as in a macabre warning. Yet traces indicate that the killings were not carried out by human hand, but by a huge beast. The…
- As one-half of the Grammy award-winning duo \\\"Deep Dish\\\", Iranian-American Ali Shirazinia (aka 'Dubfire') has established himself as one of the world's most successful DJs and producers. But the road to success was not an easy one. With candid interviews from family, childhood friends, industry peers, and fellow a…