- As Theo and Celeste play a game of 'would you still be my friend if' to test their new friendship, their hypothetical questions become reality, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and strongest yearnings.短片是由澳大利亚导演Hannah Dougherty为2018在悉尼举办的TED所作。在片中,两位主演的关系并不是恋人,但对方都是对于自己十分重要的人。此次在短片里,导演便别出心裁的让两位主演玩儿了一个游戏,为的就…
- 在瑞士的一个偏远小山村里,年轻的马可和安娜的爱情遭到了考验。由于脑部肿瘤,马可越来越难控制住自己的冲动情绪。受病情影响,他和村民们的关系变得愈发紧张,而夹在其间的安妮正试图守护一种爱,能令他们最终战胜死亡。 在米夏埃尔·科赫的电影中,人类与自然以一种独特的方式融合在了一起。得益于非 专业演员日常惬意的状态,这部作品始…
- The Dragger is the diabolic specter of a woman who has killed several children in the past.
- Dopo il delirante e marcissimo cortometraggio BOM DIA CARLOS, Gurcius Gewdner regala un lungometraggio al povero Carlos, riducendo la parte vomitevole e marcia, arricchendolo però il film con deliri, assurdità weird d’alta scuola, arthouse e effetti speciali stupefacenti. Dopo i primi minuti che presentano un mondo imm…
- It follows the adventures of a group of cave-dwelling puppet creatures called Fraggles.