- A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in the forest nearby. May says that her house is infested by small creatures that she th…
- 一群在网路上相识的网友,相约要去野外露营,却因一场突如其来的意外被迫在森林裡一间废弃小木屋裡过夜。在看似已成废墟的小木屋内,他们无意间找到一台神秘的底片相机,竟发现这台相机可以预知他们的死亡惨样!随著一连串骇人听闻的灾难发生,当同伴们一一死去,剩下的人必须尽快解开相机之谜,却发现更惨不忍睹的死亡在迎接著他们……
- 在马里兰州一个笃信基督的小镇,人们悠哉游哉,过着自在平静的生活。然而一场意外搅扰了他们的安宁,名叫夏恩(Shiloh Fernandez 饰)的男孩举枪自杀,从此厄运接连降临小镇。夏恩死后不久,他的女友娜塔莉(Rumer Willis 饰)以及她的父亲伯纳德(Jared Harris 饰)相继自杀。目睹娜塔莉自杀的少女林赛(Elizabeth Rice 饰)的…