- Ambitious mid-life careerist Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being calibrated for success, Hanna is set on getting it all back. But getting there means hav…
- a beach, a cliff, a pine tree forest, and a house made of stone. In the house, Virginia wakes up startled by a nightmare, and in the nightmare we can see her cousin Anabel with a deathly pale face and traces of blood around her lips. There's always an instant moment of normality immediately prior to insanity, but in hi…
- 在荒凉的戈壁旷野,走来一头看似没心没肺的羊驼。它走走停停,啃食着沿途的野草。这时,它发现不远处有一株似乎十分美味的植物,羊驼眼前一亮,万千不顾前方有怎样的危险。那株植物刚好处在一个隔离区内,隔离区被通了高压电的围栏圈住。起先羊驼并不知情,一次次朝里闯去,无一例外都被电了回来。 若想吃到美食,还真得下一番苦工啊!
- 伴随着恰朗哥(Charango)欢快的音乐,大眼睛Llama摇头晃脑地朝公路走来,突然,一辆汽车飞速驶过,吓得他心惊肉跳。Llama试探多次不能,眼见一只小犰狳悠然穿过,面对如此侮辱,Llama会做什么呢?短片制作团队来自南美巴塔哥尼亚地区,他们解释称片名Caminandes是camino/caminar(西班牙语为路径、步行) 和Andes(安第斯山脉)的简称。短…