- An upright electrician bumbles into arson to provide for his daughter, but a lethal accident pits him against his best friend and their sociopathic white collar boss.
- 本片纪录下了爱尔兰现代建筑大师艾琳·格雷的创作与人生。这位20世纪最具有开拓性的设计者,用她独特的视野和创造性彻底改变了我们家装和建筑。她所属的那个年代,在室内装饰和家具设计领域,没有几个女人能与她相提并论。纪录片通过对多位研究格雷的学者、拍卖行、收藏家、艺术策展人等的访谈,用影像还原了这位神秘低调的建筑师,呈现了她对欧…
- Mother Maria Pia Mastena as a young child has a vision of Jesus that leads her to a life dedicated to the Lord and others. But this life is not without challenges, both from without and within. Internal doubts and misinterpretations of her actions by those around her lead to conflicts along the way. She plods on, conti…