- 杀手匿名会——定期举行的杀手匿名互助小组,参与者坐成一圈,凭着对彼此的信任相互分享各自过犯。这些陷入挣扎的匿名杀手,有的深爱杀戮,有的不想继续,无论如何,他们都需要倾诉与聆听。
- 南非世界杯 小組賽-B 希臘(歐洲) VS (非洲)尼日利亞上半场FIFAWorldCuGrouBNigeriavsGreecestHalf国语
- After receiving an unsettling voicemail, Jordan (Wiggins) returns home, looking for answers, only to find her estranged father and even more questions. A demonic force has attached itself to the town and no one is safe. The only one who seems to know anything is the small town's Reverend.
- 加拿大CBC新喜剧《上班族妈妈》是一部典型的女性剧,女人是否能拥有想要的一切?对这些上班族妈妈来说,有些时候她们的确能心想事成,但有些时候……一事无成。该剧将深入剖析当代的「妈妈文化」,主人公Kate(Catherine Reitman)和Anne(Dani Kind)已经做了一辈子朋友。Kate是个温和、务实的公关经理,Anne则是个严肃的心理医生。她们在…