- Little Cars 3 returns to the race track for the most exciting adventures yet! Tony is experiencing problems on and off the race track. Tony accepts a challenge to compete in a drifting competition with Akira -- his girlfriend's old flame. Will Tony learn to stop spinning out of control before the next race? And can Ton…
- After two critically acclaimed albums, The Minds of 99 with front figure Niels Brandt are in the process of making their third release, 'Solkongen'. But can Niels create anything, now that he's suddenly in a good place in his life? A raw and honest tale of the journey of five friends towards the source of light.
- 瓦尔特•格罗皮乌斯于1919年在德国魏玛建立的包豪斯学院即将迎来百年纪念,纪录片《未来的建造:百年包豪斯》亦于4月26日起全德上映。影片报导了包豪斯由创设到被迫关闭的曲折历史及其发展和变化,对作为人类社会本质的共同生活的定义以及建筑对它的影响被置于讨论核心。另外,影片也涉及包豪斯遗产以及延续至当下的包豪斯风格与概念在建筑与视…
- A famous actress is receiving death threats by an obsessed fan, so she hires a bodyguard and slowly befriends him. However, her stalker may be closer than she thinks.