- A scholarly king and his three companions swear off the society of women for three years, only to have a diplomatic visit from a French princess and her three ladies-in-waiting thwart their intentions.
- 该剧改编自劳拉·李普曼的同名畅销小说。 1966年感恩节,一名少女的失踪席卷巴尔的摩,两名女性的生活发生了致命的碰撞。Maddie Schwartz(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)是一位犹太裔家庭主妇,她试图摆脱自己的秘密过往,重新成为一名调查记者;Cleo Johnson(摩西·英格拉姆 Moses Ingram 饰)是一位母亲,她在巴尔的…
- A scholarly king and his three companions swear off the society of women for three years, only to have a diplomatic visit from a French princess and her three ladies-in-waiting thwart their intentions.