搜索 Mars

  • 16 years after global warming evaporates civilization as the result of war between humans and a fleet of immigrating aliens known as "The Dark Ones," a mysterious traveler makes contact to a community of human survivors bunkered down in the tunnels of Hoover Dam, Nevada.
  • based on the children's book Daesha Special Gift, one summer class will experience the time of their life after reading the book Daesha Special Gift and seeing something magical from the book coming to life right in front of their eyes.
  • Officers Rick Shaw and Lisa Willis are brought back onto a cold case after several more bodies turn up in Black Water Creek. Rick Shaw had been on administrative leave after the death of his partner in an undercover drug sting that went bad. Reports of Sasquatch and talk of Sasquatch killing people pushes RIck to the e…
  • Your favorite delivery boy, cyclops, and robot are back in this live action adaptation of Futurama. It follows Fry, Leela, and Bender a s one of the crew finds that they are soon to die, so they must save them before time runs out.   https://www.bilibili.com/video/av10056219
  • Dr. Jackie Stevenson is a Los Angeles based therapist and scientist who tries to invent a serum to separate the pure from the lustful side of the female psychosis. After she has an unsuccessful experiment with a female client named Martine, which drove her patient to insanity and to a mental hospital, Jackie tries part…
  • 尚恩迪龙是一位退休的前MMA格斗手,但运气不好。 不但与妻子离了婚,几乎没有照顾他们的7岁小孩的能力,在财力吃紧及种种生活上的困顿,尚恩不得已与组织在线战斗的地下打斗集团联繫。 来自世界各地的参与者可以通过一个加密的密码连接到该网站观看现场战斗并下注。 这份工作能带来的钱庞大到难以拒绝,尚恩将自己能从谷底翻身的希望全都寄与此…
  • American Scumbags is the new full length feature by Denver filmmaker Dakota Bailey. The film features three interconnected stories revolving around heroin addicted drug dealer/hitman Johnny (Dakota Bailey), sadistic psychopath convict Billy (Darrien Fawkes) and drug kingpin Chester (Fred Epstein). The film takes the vi…
  • 鬼髮駭人,不只要你的髮,還要你的命....故事講述一行人來到廢棄房屋拍實境節目,這棟房屋因為曾經發生兇案而被閒置,相關的恐怖傳聞在鄰居鄉里間流傳。一行人來到後陸續發生詭異的事件,原來屋子的前女主人對毛髮有特殊癖好,後來竟然對頭皮起了興趣,因而迫使丈夫將她殺害而隨後自殺。知道實情後,每個人都想逃離這裡,但是仍在屋裡遊盪的兇惡…
  • What begins as a night filled with nostalgic happiness, transforms into something much more sinister, as the daylight begins to fade. And as the sunset casts a shadow on the neighborhood, it provides and ideal backdrop for he who roams it's alleys.