- 凯莉卡伯不了解她的丈夫-罗杰,为何锺爱这幢世袭的房子,甚至他同父异母的兄弟,出高价都不为所动。或许是他的祖父立过血誓永不变卖,罗杰也不愿违背誓言。突然间一切都改变了,罗杰被车子撞死,十三岁的女儿劳莉因此瘫痪,凯莉搬进老屋抚养女儿,远思亡夫。但房子隐藏著某种邪恶的力量紧追著她,黏土从水龙头流出;地窟传来呻吟的声音。凯莉被…
- Peyton Harris' eighteen year old life is turned inside out when a set of nude photos of her are texted, Snap Chatted, emailed and Tweeted to everyone she knows. She is ashamed and humiliated. It gets worse. The photos have been posted on a \\\"revenge porn\\\" website called exmyex.com. Peyton's mother, Elaine, feeling…
- The Goes Wrong Show, will be written by and star the original founding Mischief Theatre members; Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields alongside Nancy Zamit, Charlie Russell, Bryony Corrigan, Greg Tannahill, Dave Hearn and Chris Leask. With their unique brand of physical theatre, the Mischief team will bring a…