- Actor Robert Pattinson takes us into a brief, desperate, hunger-filled moment in the life of Robert Pattinson.
- Sex, alcohol, food, drugs, cigarettes… you name it, workaholic Rosie has tried it all in a bid to self-medicate her way out of a burnout spiral. But when she wakes up in hospital after her brother’s wedding, our eponymous heroine attempts …
- TLC电视台记录好莱坞女演员Leah Remini一家在洛杉矶好莱坞每日的疯狂生活。女主人公Leah Remini有爱又泼辣,粘人的老公,妙语连珠的女儿,还有长不大的老母亲,加上助手,保姆,兄弟姐妹,一场嬉笑怒骂的家庭真人秀从此诞生。目前,TLC电视台已续订第二季。
- Following Coca-Cola's hugely successful 'Polar Bowl' campaign in 2012, Animal Logic was approached by Scott Free and CAA Marketing to animate a 6-minute short to headline Coca-Cola's 2013 global campaign. Directed by John Stevenson (of Kung Fu Panda fame) and co-directed by Animal Logic's David Scott, the subtly brande…