搜索 Lamont

  • 电影
    In the first year of Donald J. Trump's presidency, Daryle Lamont Jenkins, an Antifa activist, combats the rise of the alt-right movement, while Richard Spencer, an alt-right leader, fights to gain ground, culminating in a tragic showdown in Charlottesville.
  • 比尔-科特内博士是个成功的科学家,他有一个漂亮的未婚妻叫詹-康普顿。在一次严重的车祸中比尔的未婚妻身首异处,比尔博士闻讯后他将詹的头带回实验室,依靠一种液体来维持未婚妻的生命。  比尔博士为了让未婚妻复活,产生邪念,他想杀死一名女子来获得她的身躯嫁接到未婚妻的头颅上。未婚妻詹此时处在阴阳之间,她认为自己应该死去,而却被比…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影动作
    When his daughter is brutally murdered and legal justice looks unlikely, William Duncan takes the law into his own hands, setting out on a quest for retribution. After killing the street thug who was directly responsible for her death, he finds himself in the middle of a war with the thug's brother, Rory Fetter, and hi…
  • 电影剧情
    短片改编。  Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency.
  • In the first year of Donald J. Trump's presidency, Daryle Lamont Jenkins, an Antifa activist, combats the rise of the alt-right movement, while Richard Spencer, an alt-right leader, fights to gain ground, culminating in a tragic showdown in Charlottesville.
  • 艺术教师欠下了巨额的债务,而他的债主是一名无情的黑帮老大。黑帮的压迫与逼债使教师身陷绝望,无处可躲。在迫不得已之际,教师准备绑架一名棒球运动员的女儿,以此胁迫对方家长,希望可以还清债务。令他没有想到的是,绑架事件意外重重,每一件事都在深深地拷问着他的心灵。事实上,作为一个本性善良的人当他谋划绑架女孩时,就预示着他的计划…
  • 一系列謀殺案的調查中,警探薛登及伙伴莉莉發現這些案子背後,竟有都涉及一處心理機構的治療小組成員。四名成員是兒時遭虐待的倖存者,長大後雖然表面上事業成功家庭幸福,但童年陰影仍壟罩著他們的餘生。儘管負責治療的心理醫生克蘿伊宣稱她完全不知情,警探在這些巧合中嗅出了一絲不對勁。
  • Echo of the Mountain presents a look into the life and work of Santos de la Torre, a great Huichol artist who, like his people, lives in oblivion. Ironically, one of Santos' murals was selected by then-President Ernesto Zedillo to represent Mexican culture in a privileged location in Paris. The artist was never paid fo…