- Two brothers, skilled in the martial art of Taekwondo, have gone different paths. Younger brother Toshimichi longs to live up to his father's legacy and become a champion while elder brother Shinpei has become a low-level gangster despite having to be the heir apparent to the family's school. When Ishida, the brothers'…
- 刘立和杨卉是一对从小的玩伴,两人一起长大,几乎形影不离。两人的爱好更是惊人的相同,虽然是女孩子,但她们却都痴迷于武术,最终两人一起如愿进入了跆拳道国家队。 在国家队里,因为不俗的实力,刘立和杨卉都被列为主力队员,寄予厚望。尤其是刘立,因为在进入国家队之前,她已经拿过全国第一的荣誉。但两人并没有因此而放松对自己的要求,…