- Niranjan, a young and ambitious tech-smart guy who holds highly classified government information, tries to evade the government officials who are in desperate need of it. Meanwhile, Shekar, a sincere NIA officer who handled several covert operations on his last day at work, gets involved in the investigation of a murd…
- 'Nostalgia for the Future' is a film on Indian modernity, the making of the citizen and the architecture of the home. It looks at four distinct imaginations of homes and bodies across examples of buildings made over the period of a century. The film explores these spaces and the bodies that were imagined to inhabit the…
- 约翰.赫斯顿导演的犯罪电影经典之作,他采用具有睿智洞察力的手法来探索一群珠宝大盗的悲剧命运。萨姆.杰夫饰演一名释囚,他召集了四名伙伴一齐抢劫珠宝行,准备在得手后销赃给一名律师换取百万巨款。当他们顺利劫得珠宝撤退时,却被一名看更破坏好事,导致其中一名歹徒在逃走时受伤。另一方面,出资赞助这次抢劫的赌场老板被贪污警察逼供,招…