- 内容讲述1841年英国商人舒狄克(大班)带领舰队,前往中国通商,以鸦片换取茶叶,丝绸及翠玉,煞而遭受满清朝廷禁制,舒舰长于是带领舰队南下占领香港,开辟成为商港,并与其它商人展开勾心斗角的竞赛。但人算不如天算,一场飓风令人他的命运急剧扭转。
- Colonel Branson , head of a secret and covert division of the NSA, keeps the Shadow Wolves operating albeit now independent and rogue. His anger after his daughter was killed in Afghanistan training civilians drives him to defend "his" America and her borders by all means legal or otherwise. When ISIS terrori…
- The nightmare was about a demonic possession. A long time ago, there was an evil in a small town and it was jealous of the girl and would never let her go, since the devil loved the girl. One night, the evil raped the girl and she became pregnant. After months the girl could not hide her baby, her father figured her se…
- 查尔斯•布朗森(汤姆•哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)出身于上层社会家庭,从小就具有不可自抑的暴力倾向,布朗森没能像其他人一样完成学业和工作,在1974年结婚后,布朗森因为携枪抢劫邮局而被判入狱七年,至此,布朗森抛弃了自己的本名迈克尔,成为了臭名昭著的英国监狱恶徒。富有表现欲望的布朗森用暴力作为自己成名的途径,在狱中不屈服于任何管教,…