- 晚清末年,大清帝国摇摇欲倒。面对外敌来袭,慈禧太后鼓励民间习武抗敌。李鸿章为了逢迎太后,举办起一年一届的“狮王争霸”大赛。“狮王争霸”其实就是各们各派舞起狮子头,以武力争夺锦标。 “狮王争霸”的消息一传出,各大门派纷纷摩拳擦掌,暗中招兵买马。一时,京城门派冲突四起。黄飞鸿(李连杰 饰)上书李鸿章欲取消“狮王争霸”,无…
- In November 1825, in the Bolivian city of Chuquisaca, doña Juana Azurduy Bermúdez de Padilla, heroine of the independence war against the Spanish army, receives the visit of the liberators Simón Bolívar, Antonio José de Sucre and José Migu…
- A soldier goes A.W.O.L. to track down the man who stole his lover. His friends rush to get him back to the base before someone notices that he's gone.