- Maisie and Daisy McCormack are two ordinary 12-year-olds finding their way through life in the 21st century. Oh, and they may have just hijacked a movie.
- Well known YouTube Internet sensations Joe Sugg (aka ThatcherJoe) and Caspar Lee (aka Caspar Lee or Dicasp) are taking you with them on a once in a life road trip. Traveling 1000 miles together in an old VW campervan; and taking part in the best of activities.
- A US lieutnant is turned into a guinea pig for deadly KGB experiments. Left for dead in Vietnam, Lieutnant Cotter became a guinea pig for KGB baddie Mitovitch. Implanted with a contro microchip, he is turned into a mindless killer. His colleague Lieutnant Sanders goes looking for him in Cambodia, then in Salavador, whe…