- Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount she borrowed, Tori won't take it back, branding her shoulder with a Japanese sign of his ownership. She shoots him. Her husb…
- Alex de Renzy (FEMMES DE SADE, PRETTY PEACHES) was one of the greatest directors of adult films ever, his career starting in the late 60's and preceeding well into the 90's. So saying that BABY FACE, stands as his crowning achievement is no small praise. This ranks as one skinflick that truly has it all, a complete sto…
- In this stand-up special, comedian Hazel Brugger offers her breezy takes on unruly geese, chatty gynecologists, German bank loans and more.
- Wuthering Heights is a wild, passionate tale of the intense and demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, allegedly a Gypsy foundling adopted by Catherine's father. After Mr Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff is degraded and humiliated by Catherine's brother Hindley and wrongly believing that his love for Cathe…
- 어느 날 철도사고로 위장된 돈 많은 여회장의 살인미수 사건이 발생한다. 그녀는 간신히 목숨을 구하지만 식물인간이 되어 단 한마디조차 할 수 없게된다. 진범은 다름아닌 그녀의 두번째 남편 장원일과 그의 정부로 전남편에게서 물려받은 여회장의 재산을 가로채기 위해 꾸민짓이다. 그러나 모든 사실을 알고 있는 최달삼이 장원일과 정…