搜索 Haus

  • 电视剧未知
    A rebellious teen is sentenced to serve time on his uncle's organic farm, only to learn that there's much more to the farm than meets the eye.
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  • 电影
    The hospital calls Fareed; his wife's situation is critical; the cancer has reached its terminal stage. Pensioner Roli comes to his help and takes him to see his wife who passes away shortly after. Her funeral falls under the jurisdiction of Amrikon council. Fareed wants to see his wife buried in accordance with Muslim…
  • 电影
    A group of young people become lost in the jungle during a river rafting trip and stumble upon a long lost ruin that is home to a host of mysterious monsters.
  • 电影
    The history of the world has been settling on the Greenlandic ice sheet for millions of years. Massive glaciers constantly unearth long gone states of the planet. The Kalaallit people have been inseparably connected to the eternal ice for millennia. In just a few short years, colonialism dramatically transitioned their…
  • 电影
    An ominous cloud is slowly moving inland, forcing the population to run away. As the cloud keeps on moving forward inescapably, panic strikes. The cloud is acid.
  • 电影剧情
    小昆昆放暑假,三五成群消磨着野性時光,村上卻發現牛屍,內藏斬件人體,兩個傻偵探來查,再驚爆無頭女屍,傻探抓狂:我們不是來做哲學思考啊!傻探其實面懵心精,但線索一條條斷了,揭出更陰暗的,之後三凶案,一人竟給豬吃掉,疑雲愈積愈厚。小昆昆像看小說追看凶案,也繼續他的小惡作劇。法國頭號作者杜蒙(《魔非魔》,36 屆)首拍喜劇(原…