- Inspired by Brexit and Donald Trump, Last Village on the Right is a delightfully tongue-in-cheek comedy-horror, following a group of American film makers on the way to the Cannes film market to sell a horror film, when they get lost and find themselves in a stunning small mountain town in the South of France, where a s…
- 本片改编自川端康成著名小说《伊豆的舞女》。 即将就读东京某高等学校的川岛(三浦友和)趁开学前的暑假前往伊豆旅行,在乍晴乍雨的山道上,他遇到一群巡回卖艺的歌舞伎艺人,因被其中一个梳着古代发髻、背着大鼓的娇小玲珑舞娘吸引,他决定与他们一起上路,路上,他得知该舞娘叫熏(山口百惠)。川岛不计歌舞伎艺人地位卑微,常邀请他们到他…