- A Korean American family during the holidays. A play on words Happy Hollow (empty) days as opposed to feeling fulfillment (Full of love, success, joy, achievement) as explored through the relationships of the family and the three sisters. The youngest sister Melanie, and her boyfriend Layne are in a codependent relatio…
- In May 1940, while covering the retreat from Dunkirk, a Mark 1 Spitfire flown by RAF ace Squadron Leader Geoffrey Stephenson was shot down and crash-landed on a beach in northern France, where it slowly sank into the sand.The wreckage was finally recovered in the 1980s and stored anonymously in France for more than 20 …
- 被称为伦敦维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆史上销售最火爆的展览之一,“大卫·鲍伊 is”被《时代》周刊形容为“时尚并粗粝着”。纪录片带领观众跟随日本时尚设计师山本宽斋、英国Britpop代表人物贾维斯·考科尔以及其他重要合作伙伴的脚步,去发掘鲍伊艺术生涯中的重要物品及其背后的故事,开启一段神奇之旅。
- In 2010, four of the greatest undefeated mountain runners on earth toed the starting line at the Western States 100-mile endurance run, the oldest and most prestigious 100-mile foot race in the world. While their lives may be quite different, the goal is the same: win the Western States 100-mile run. A win will require…
- The great white hunter is showing of his collection methods of rare Venusian wildlife - all guns blazing. based on the world of Dr Grordbort by Greg Broadmore. 一趟金星的狩獵探險,布洛德佛斯勛爵獵殺美麗的珍奇異獸,讓祖國收藏更加豐碩,同行的記者小姐卻與他針鋒相對。復古B 級片搬到外星球,對帝國主義和權貴人士極盡揶揄。