- The year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of one on the most important events in Western civilization: the birth of an idea that continues to shape the life of every American today.In 1517, power was in the hands of the few, thought was controlled by the chosen, and common people lived lives without hope. On October 31…
- 江城某民宿发现一具女尸,通过调查走访,警方确认死者为省立医院实习医生童话。在侦破此案的过程中,重案队长徐凯发现同是警察陆婷的父母卷入了此案。但随着凶杀案背后的一段不堪回首的往事浮出水面,徐凯发现幕后真凶另有其人。
- 影片以乌苏拉二代Uma(琪娜·安妮·麦克兰 China Anne McClain 饰)为故事新一章揭开序幕,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》反派红心皇后的叛逆女儿红公主(凯莉·坎特罗尔 Kylie Cantrall 饰)成为主角。
- 浪漫的新婚之夜,美丽新娘珍德(劳瑞·拉夫 Laurie Love 饰)和心爱的男人步入爱之殿堂。然而美好与幸福并未享受多久,五名持枪歹徒突然冲入他们的爱巢。珍德曾经属于某个犯罪组织,但为了心上人而选择金盆洗手。组织自然不会轻易让她上岸,于是对这对新婚燕尔的夫妇展开无情屠杀。谁知造物弄人,珍德竟然从血泊中醒来,她手握着丈夫的手,而对…
- Hank Moody may have survived a murder-suicide attempt by his lovelorn ex, Carrie, but she's still haunting his dreams. Charlie takes his best friend and star client to meet rocker Atticus Fetch about giving "A Crazy Little Thing Called Love" the Broadway treatment. A revelation about Becca prompts a tails…