- After her brother's death by overdose, Delaware delves into the world of drugs. Two years later she agrees with her father to submit herself to a drugs rehabilitation program in a special clinic in England. When she arrives for the treatment, with a small group of other drug addicts, she gets in touch with the doctors'…
- Es sieht schon traurig aus in Kingstonville. Die Bürger werden unterdrückt: der Lohn ihrer harten Arbeit muss bedingungslos dem korrupten Bürgermeister der Stadt mit Hilfe seiner pistolenschwingenden Männer abgeliefert werden. Cat ist mit…
- A group of white trash rednecks toy with their victims by giving them a 10 second head-start before they hunt them down.
- Once upon a time, a bad British boy met a lost American girl and they lived happily ever after - Or not. Within the framework of a record album, Gala and Godfrey tracks the classic moments in the lives of a charming, exasperating British expat and his American wife through 12 years of their sexy, tragicomic romance in …
- 由Filmguru推出的爆笑新电影《888:疯狂公交车》,由风头正劲的搞笑演员Jazz主演,还带来了上半年大卖的喜剧《4G僧侣》演员组,更邀请了泰国白脸网红Thepphithakk,还有女星Tangmo-Pataratid,给我们上演了泰国公交车上的《速度与激情》。
- When three childhood friends are brought back together after years apart, a string of mysterious and brutal "Jack The Ripper" inspired murders erupt, pitting friends against foe in this 80's-style police thriller.