搜索 Ella

  • Nothing seems to be working out for Danny Valentino. Despite being an aging taxi cab driver, he continues to pursue his unbreakable dream of becoming an actor! But this time, his high hopes get him into a horrible situation which ends up involving all the strange and aloof characters in his life. Now he must fight, qui…
  • Mario Latona, (Frank Montero) and his crew are young kids with a passion for crime. Mario dreams of becoming a real gangster like his Uncle Frank, (Alfredo Nasti) an under-boss of the local mob chapter, but in order to do so he has to operate under his uncle first. Taking place in New York's,"Little Italy". F…
  • 本片以伪纪录片的形式,重现了某知名能量饮料厂商的一次失败的病毒营销推广,搞笑至极又讽刺异常。为了避免法律麻烦,影片中将能量饮料的品牌名换成了“DRIB”,但一切看似荒诞的情节却都真实发生了。“DRIB”的市场团队请因挨打而在youtube走红的阿米尔为他们拍摄一只广告。他们请来了专业拳击手来和阿米尔对打,结果却令他们大跌眼镜。
  • Set in the post-apocalypse, a group of fighters believe they're fighting for their freedom, until they realize they're in a comic book.
  • 事件發生在秘魯最古老的醫院之一,在其病房之中隱藏著亞馬遜最可怕的故事。在醫院發生血腥屠殺之後,最殘酷強大的野生靈魂在巫術儀式之後被封印在一個亭子裡。幾十年後,牆壁破裂,邪惡力量因此甦醒,一個青少年被此邪靈附身,她的母親必須找到方法來阻止他帶走女兒的生命及恢復其災難性的殺人力量。
  • 一个警探的朋友被绑架了,他必须找到自己的朋友,并抓住绑匪。
  • When Igor was young, he lost his father because of his little sister. He will grow up trying to find his own way of giving a new face to his past.
  • A group of honest police is sent to a country town to solve the problem of high crime. Soon they solve the problem while newcomer Francis (Cléo Pires) must overcome their limits to prove that it has value. They are acclaimed by public opin…
  • A young woman connects with her grandmothers spirit while she housesits for her step grandfather.
  • 三位哥们相约来黄金岸沙滩露营度假,本想只过三人天地的时光,不想三人之间的关系被一个主动靠近的女人搞得……这是一部讲兄弟情深胜过男女欢爱的电影,我们推荐各位观看!另外,在这儿顺着西语的片名说一下,对于许多直男来说,他们的哥们、或称死党、或称发小,或称基友,或称砚兄砚弟近乎就是没有性关系的女友,有时比弯男们更习惯粘在一起,…