- The unconventional, outspoken Mrs Bradley and loyal chauffeur George attend the engagement party of her god-daughter little realising that, by the end of the evening, her detective skills will be required to solve a brutal murder.
- Former poker pro, Jake Emerson, joins an underground game with a million dollars at stake, but the entry fee is more than he bargained for.
- 此次汪汪队化身维修救援小队和喷气机救援小队,分别由毛毛和天天担任起了队长的重任。巴金堡的赛车比赛在如火如荼的进行中,参加比赛的有热门选手追风和韩丁纳市长的表妹猎豹等。为了取得赛车比赛的第一名,猎豹与表韩丁纳哥里应外合将其他几位参赛选手置于险境,困在赛车途中。没有选手到达终点,猎豹理所当然的可以夺冠。为了拯救赛车手们,毛…
- The Better Hour is the story of a man who, inspired by faith, used his political and social influence to change the world for the better. At the beginning of the 19th century, almost a third of the British economy depended on the trade of human beings. William Wilberforce was determined to end this horrific practice, b…