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  • 电影喜剧
    电影《大人物》是杨乐乐投资拍摄的第一部电影,不仅邀请了吴孟达、林子聪、李伯清、廖健等众多笑星加盟,还加入了很多四川元素。该片讲述了普通人颠覆平庸生活的故事。以著名脱口秀节目《大人物》主持人德叔(吴孟达 饰)为首的一班追求大目标的小人物,所上演的一出喜剧则成为了该片的主旋律。在片中,杨乐乐扮演一位影视制作人。
  • 电影爱情
    30岁的阿里(艾丽娜·塞尔班 Alina Ioana Serban 饰)展现出雄狮般的勇气和坚毅,始终不抱怨面对的困难。为了养活两个孩子,她在一个地下俱乐部做清洁工。然而,阿里心中隐藏着一道无法治愈的伤痛:当她未婚怀孕时,父亲将她赶出家门,迫使她离开了自己的家乡罗马尼亚。某一天,阿里发现俱乐部地下室中有一个拳击台,这唤起了她对父亲训练她拳击…
  • 电影爱情
  • 电影
    He-Man & Skeletor battle for control of Castle Grayskull in this fan film based on the popular 80's cartoon\\\/toy... Masters of the Universe!
  • 电影
    A Comedy - Meet Amber, Brandy and Cassie. These girls are about to encounter a paranormal force that is going to make them question the need for the opposite sex.
  • 电影
    A year ago, a woman fell in love with a man from beyond the stars. And from their love, a child was born. Destined to one day unite both our world and that of his father's, this newborn baby is now the target of an alien huntress. Her mission - erase the first born from existence, no matter the cost. Can the child of t…
  • 电影
    When 6 associates at Winsley Financial win a One night, all expenses paid trip to the scariest and most terrifying \\\"Haunted Hotel\\\" in Oakville, Ky, only 4 are able to attend. Harold, the new President of the company and his wife Jen, have previously made plans for this year's Halloween. What they didn't know is t…
  • 电影
    When Sarah is bullied in school and accidentally dies, the three girls cover it up. But when she's resurrected, she gets revenge on her killers.
  • 电影剧情
    不幸的童年经历让十六岁的少年于贝尔(泽维尔·多兰 Xavier Dolan 饰)早早过上了同母亲(安妮·杜尔瓦勒 Anne Dorval 饰)相依为命的生活,然而,随着年龄的增长和叛逆期的到来,于贝尔渐渐发现,自己和母亲之间开始变得越来越难以沟通,两人之间的距离渐行渐远 。  内心充满了痛苦和矛盾,于贝尔开始了艰难的尝试,企图重塑他和母亲之间破裂…
  • 电影动作
    SuperGrid is set in a near future where mining conglomerates have turned Canada into a wasteland. Two brothers must travel the same road that claimed their sister's life in their quest to deliver mysterious cargo. En route they must contend with road pirates, rebel gangs, and each other.