- 电视剧《月桂的绅士西装店》以传统定制西装店为背景,讲述了4位男主人公们的泪水、友情、成功、爱情故事。车仁杓将饰演裴三道(音),裴三道曾是月桂西装店的天才裁缝师,如今经营着一家炸鸡店。该人物拥有挺拔的身材与出众的外貌,是一个拥有侠义之心与义气十足的真男人。面对妻子福善女(音),他也是会手足无所的爱妻之人。此外,罗美兰将饰…
- Olga is an only daughter and she must take care of her father, Mr. Arturo, an irascible man of a hard character who suffers from illness. Exhausted by her job at the law firm, she needs someone to look after her at night and she calls to the last person her father wants to see: Sister Inés, a nun, Servant of Mary. The …
- BOYS ON FILM comes of age with ten uplifting and powerful tales recounting the lives of everyday heroes with no special powers except striving for their own identities and fighting for the right for us all to be ourselves.