- 1944年,第二次世界大战正是如火如荼的惨烈时刻。在南洋某个日军战地医院里,军医藤崎恭二(三船敏郎 饰)与同事们夜以继日,不辞疲倦,争分夺秒地抢救每一个伤员。然而厄运突然降临,藤崎的手不慎划上,更被梅毒携带者中田进(植村謙二郎 饰)的污血所感染。战争结束后,藤崎回到父亲孝之辅(志村喬 饰)的医院工作,虽然已有美丽的未婚妻美佐…
- Set in a magical castle where a reluctant and spoiled Lisa has come to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her curiosity and persistence lead her to a strange Medieval Kingdom, inhabited by strange characters, ghostly flying weapons and magical toys that come alive! As Christmas approaches, Lisa and her new friends m…