- 本片讲述了7个伊朗女性的悲惨故事。妇女从医院领到了尚在襁褓中的女儿,但是她并不开心,因为此前的超声波显示,她怀了一个男童,如今倒凤颠鸾,令她措手不及。当地重男轻女的风俗,令她如堕冷宫。刚出狱的女孩跟女伴到处找钱,历尽千辛万苦,凑齐了钱,却最终怯于踏上返乡的列车。未婚先孕的少女被哥哥扫地出门,在男友死亡后只得去做了人工流…
- THE PSYCHOTIC SHRIMPER IS BACK! He got away with killing and violating the first time. But, Shrimper Rick's old lady just made him snap again! Now, the homicidal maniac is ready to unleash his sickest, sleaziest, and deadliest desires. When the cops close in on crazy Rick, he goes into “insane pervert overdrive” and sn…
- Rick is just a mild-mannered guy. That is, until his shrimp gobbling boss, crabby customers, and nagging lady friends push him too far and he loses his ever-loving mind! Now, he’s on a homicidal rampage and no one is safe!